Div II ‘Jersey’ cv. (Un-named seedling x un-named seedling) H: (1984), G: (1991), N: (1992) & Reg: (1994): E.E.Fox I: Fox Lily Ranch, 1992. Inside cream, with a yellow-cream throat and moderately-sized, maroon spots lightly scattered over basal 1/3 of each petal (and spilling over to the reverse), outside cream with mauve midribs: nectaries gold; pollen golden yellow. Fls 60mm wide; petals 35 x 17mm, margins not ruffled, tips slightly recurved. Lvs whorled, 140 x 45mm, dark green. Stems 1.45m, green, mottled black, with 18-24 fls. Late June-early July.