Div II ‘Zvanu Tornis’ cv. (Parentage unknown) H: D. Hercbergs (1993), G: D. Hercbergs (1997), N: D.Hercbergs (2002), I: D. Hercbergs (2002), REG: D. Hercbergs (2003). Inside pinkorange, lighter at tips, throat lighter, midveins greenish; outside orange-pink, midribs pink; spots cherry-red on yellow-orange flush; pollen orange. Fls 50 mm wide; petals thick, 45 x 16 mm, margins smooth, tips strongly recurved. Lvs whorled with c.20 lvs in each whorl, to 200 x 55 mm, dark green. Stems 1.8 m, green, darker in upper part, with c.24 fls. Mid to late June. (Etymology: Latvian for ‘bell tower’.)