Div II ‘Warm Traces’ cv. ('Mrs. R.O. Backhouse' x un-named white and yellow seedling) H:1984, G:1988, N:1990 &Reg:1993: E.E.Fox I: Fox Lily Ranch, 1994. Inside white in apical ½, light yellow in basal ½, throat mid yellow; outside white, suffused cream, with pink midribs; small, numerous, maroon spots in middle section of each petal; nectaries lime green; pollen cinnamon. Fls 60mm wide; petals 35 x 17mm, not ruffled, tips slightly recurved. Lvs whorled, 125 x 50mm, pale green. Stems 1.25m, light green, with 18-26 fls. Early July.