
Articles are written in PDF format. You will need Adobe Acrobat to access them. If you don’t have Adobe Acrobat, you can get it at

The Photo pages list the lilies in alphabetical order grouped by type, such as “species”, “named hybrids”, “seedlings” etc. 

In the named hybrid galleries and the seedling galleries, clicking on the cultivar name, the seedling number or the thumbnail picture will open a page with all of the photos of that particular cultivar or seedling, along with the registration information for cultivars if available.

In the species gallery, the numeral which follows each name indicates whether the photo is that of the floret (1), the inflorescence (2), or the entire plant (3). In some cases, you’ll find a lower-case letter following that numeral (e.g. 1a, 1b, etc.). This indicates there are various photos of the same plant that may give viewers a better idea of the variances in color, spotting, etc. For example, you’ll find a number of photos of L. martagon, depicting a wide range of color and spotting. Clicking on the name of the lily or the thumbnail picture will open a new page with the full size image. We’ve made no attempt to identify L. martagon itself as to the varieties listed in the RHS Lily Register. Although very worthwhile, we believe this is better done by consensus of a few recognized martagon experts at a later date. Let us know if you can help.

Each photo has the name of the lily in the top-left hand corner. When available, the bottom left-hand corner lists some of the more important hybridizing information. Because of space constraints, photos may not display all the information that the Lily Register does.

Abbreviations used are similar to the ones used in the RHS Lily Register such as:

G = the grower,
H = the hybridizer,
I = person who introduced the lily,
N = the person who named the lily,
NR = not registered (with RHS),
R = the raiser of the lily,
REG = the person who registered the lily,
U = unknown,
UN = un-named.

Other abbreviations used are:

MartAms = lilies resulting from crosses between a martagon lily and a lily from Division IV, American lilies;

MartAsians = lilies resulting from crosses between a martagon lily and a lily from Division I, Asiatic lilies.

The Seedlings sections provide us with a glimpse into the gardens of some hybridizers and thus the future. The photos illustrating the inter-divisional hybridizing efforts from people such as Norgart Martschinke and David Sims clearly show that the best is yet to come. Gardeners can look forward to even more beautiful martagon lilies soon!


Many thanks to the individuals who contributed to this CD:

Articles were written by Hugh and Ruth Cocker (USA), Norgart Martschinke (Germany), Frans Officer (USA), and David Sims (USA).

Photos were contributed by Jeff Boden (Australia), Otto Beutnagel (Germany), Gerry Danen (Canada), Mary Duvall (USA), E. Eugene Fox (Canada), Robert Gilman (USA), Guntis Grants (Latvia), Hans Hansen (USA), Davids Hercbergs (Latvia), Norgart Martschinke   (Germany), Joseph Nemmer (USA), Peter Nelson (USA), Frans Officer (USA), David Sims (USA), Nigel Strohman (Canada),  James Sullivan (Canada), Sandy Venton (Canada) and Mark Wood (England).

Our thanks also to NALS for allowing us to reprint Norgart Martschinke’s article and to Michael Homick and the Royal Horticultural Society for allowing the use of the martagon information from the RHS Lily Register.   

Past, present and future.

This “Martagons!” CD project is an ongoing one. We distributed over 300 copies of the first edition world-wide. This 2nd edition is yet another step towards a more complete compilation in the future. A few of the images on this CD are not as good as they should be. They’ve been included here simply because they’re better than no photo at all. We’ve tried to render colors as true as possible. Because of calibration differences in computer monitors, some minor color differences will occur. We’ve taken care to exercise a high degree of accuracy, and we’re prepared to make corrections and improvements in upcoming editions of this “Martagons!” CD. Our ultimate goal is a collection of both written information and images that will be the authoritative source for Lilium martagon and its hybrids. We’ll keep building until we have at least 3 good photos of each martagon species and named hybrids (registered or not), showing the flower, the inflorescence and the entire plant.   

Become a contributor

To improve on this CD, we invite your help in several areas:

 1.   Provide us with input; tell us about errors and areas that should be improved. You can contact us either at: “Martagons!” CD, 8920 Southwood Drive, Bloomington, MN 55437, USA, or at .

 2.    If you wish to donate good quality photos of martagon lilies that are not on this CD, or if you have better photos than the ones that are on this CD, please send them to us. (We’ll take photos of exceptional martagon seedlings as well, because they may provide us with a hint of what is yet to come; whenever possible, please include the names of the pod-parent and the pollen-parent.) Informative articles are also welcome. Other than a free copy of this CD, you’ll receive no payment or reward other than the knowledge that you’re contributing towards a unique and valuable resource. You retain all rights to your work,  simply giving us the right to use them on this and future “Martagons!” CDs. We prefer you send us the largest possible digital file you can on a CD-R. We will edit the image and insert your name on the photo. If you want to contribute good photos or slides that you want back, please include return mailing cost. If you don’t, the materials will be donated to either the NSLS or NALS library. Please do not contribute images that are not taken by you.

 3.   If you like this CD, help spread the word. Tell your local plant-societies at the next meeting you attend. The larger our base is, the faster we’ll reach our goal of having a more complete CD of martagon lilies.                                  

 4.   Please do not copy this CD. The unique CD-label identifies you as a buyer of this CD. It identifies you as being eligible for a reduced price on the next, revised, more complete CD. Un-labeled CDs are illegally copied and indicate a failure to recognize that without organizations such as NALS, RHS and North Star Lily Society, informational products such as this “Martagons!” CD would likely not exist.


 The “Martagons!” CD Committee:
Denese Erickson
Frans Officer
David Sims